
This is a fun project for preschoolers to do on a sunny day.
Have your child place a piece of colored construction
paper out in the sun |
Then have him place various shaped objects on the paper;
such as, silverware, flowers, keys, a toothbrush, a box,
etc. |
Leave everything out in the sun until the colored paper
fades. |
When your child removes the objects, he will find prints
of colored shapes on his paper. Take the paper inside, so
it will not fade more. |
EXTENTION: To extend this activity, use the print paper and the
objects later for a matching game. Have your child match up
the real objects with the sun print of the object.
You will need 6” white paper circles and some 1” x 2” yellow tissue paper strips for this project.
Give each child a pair of scissors and 30 tissue paper strips. |
H ave the children cut 20 of their strips in half. |
Pass out the white circles and some glue. |
Have children paste 1” squares all over their circles. |
Then, have the children turn their circles over and glue their remaining 2” strips around the edge of their circles to create the sun’s rays. |
These can be displayed as is, or they can be glued onto a large sheet of orange construction paper. |
Here is a paper plate activity to brighten any day.
Set out paper plates, yellow paint and a brush. |
Then cut some yellow tissue paper into 1" x 3" strips. |
Have your child paint her paper plate yellow. |
Then while the paint is still wet, stick yellow strips all
the way around the outside edges of her plate. |
If the paint is already dry, the yellow sunrays can be glued
onto the plate.
Here is a project guaranteed to bright any day.
Make a mixture Os 4 parts glue to 1 part water. |
Give your child a metal pie pan or baking pan and have
him brush the glue mixture all over the bottom the pan. |
Then give him sheets of tissue paper to tear into small
squares. |
Have him place the squares on top of the glue mixture,
brushing glue on the tissue paper as needed to stick. |
When the bottom of the pan is completely covered with
tissue paper, have him brush on a final layer of the glue
mixture. |
Allow the tissue paper to dry overnight, then carefully
peel the mosaics of tissue paper out of the pan. |
If you like you can cut the paper into a specific shape
if you want. |
Punch a hole at the top of the sun catcher and thread
a ribbon though it. |
Hang your child's Sun Catcher in a window. |
This is a painting project that your child will enjoy.
Show your child a photograph of the sun. |
Ask her to notice all the different colors swirling
all around the surface of the sun. |
Give her a large circle cut from white finger painting
or construction paper. |
Drop a little bit of white, orange, and yellow paint
on her paper. |
Let her use her finger, a cotton swab or a feather to
swirl the paint around in circles.
Here are some yarn sun pictures to make.
Cut 12" sections of yellow yarn. |
Set out the yarn pieces, some glue and some white or
light blue construction paper. |
Have your child brush glue on his paper with a small
brush in a medium sized circle. |
Then have him place one end of a piece of yarn in the
middle of his glue circle. |
Now, show him how to slowly twist the yarn around in
a tight circle. |
When his yarn runs out, he will glue it down, then start
another piece of yarn where the first one left off. Have
him continue his yarn circles until his sun is as large
as he would like. |
You will need to live in an area with rocks over 4" for
this activity.
Have your child look for round flat rocks, approximately
4-5" wide. |
Next, have her wash and dry the rock. |
Then give her a small container of yellow paint and
a Q-tip for a brush. |
Encourage her to paint a yellow circle with rays sticking
out on her rock.
Here is a simple cutting activity for your child.
Give your child some scissors and
a yellow paper baking cup. |
Have him flatten the cup, then fringe
around the cup making sunrays. |
These can be glued on blue paper for
a 3-D picture. |