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Here are a number of discovery activities you can do with your children and an assortment of pumpkins.


Set out some pumpkins.

Let each child choose a pumpkin.
Then one at a time let them measure their pumpkin by placing a string around the middle of the pumpkin.
Help each child cut the string the correct length.
Have children lay out their strings one below the other.
Who’s pumpkin is the largest?
Extension:  Have children hold their strings next to a yard stick and find out exactly how large their pumpkin is around the middle.

Set out a group of pumpkins of different sizes.
Let your children take turns placing the pumpkins in order of their sizes.  (Smallest to largest or largest to smallest)

Bring in a scale.

Let each child choose a pumpkin to weigh.
Help children to place the pumpkin on the scale and then read the weight.
Set out a pumpkin and weight it.
Write down the amount that is weighs.
Next, take the pumpkin and cut off the top and scoop out the seeds and the pulp.
Now weigh the pumpkin again.
Does it weigh any different?
Let each of your children guess how many seeds a small pumpkin will hold.
Then, cut off the top and scoop out the pumpkin seeds and pulp.
Separate the pulp from the seeds and set out the seeds on a tray (or on the table).
Have your children help you count the number of seeds.
Who guessed the closest?
A great project for young children is growing their own pumpkins.
Purchase some pumpkin seeds and follow the planting and caring for directions on the seed packet.
Check your local nursery for information as to when is the best time to plant pumpkin seeds.

Another experiment you can do with young children is to chop an old pumpkin up and put some smaller pieces into plastic zip-lock bags.
Then have your children set them around the room, including a very cool spot.
You may have to bring in a cooler with ice for this project.
Let children examine the bags, every day and report on the progress of any growth of mold.
Children should finally notice that the pieces placed in warm spots, grew more mold, while the piece kept in the very cool spot took longer.
Be sure children do not open the bags.
When your experiment is over, throw the bags in the garbage