You will need a paper plate, a large safety pin, a large paper fastener and some spring stickers for this activity.

  • Place different spring stickers around the edge of a paper plate.
  • Then attach the bottom of a large safety pin to the center of the plate with a two pronged paper fastener.
  • The pin should spin when pushed.
  • Now sit in a circle with your children.
  • Pass the plate to the child on your left and let him spin the spinner and tell you which picture it stops on.
  • Now start a story, incorporated  with the object or character.
  • After a few sentences, pass the plate to the next child and repeat the process.
  • Continue the story until each child has had a turn.

Sequence cards are four or more cards with pictures that represent the major life changes of an animal or plant. 

  • Plain index cards are great for this purpose.
  • Suggestions for sets of sequence cards:  The life of a frog, The life of a flower, the life of a butterfly, etc.
  • Create pictures on the four cards of four important changes in the life of these plants or animals.
  • Place each set of index cards in a plastic zip-lock bag.
  • Set out the bags and let your children take turns putting the cards from a bag in the proper life sequence.


  • Make a spring color book for your children to read.
  •  Take 7 pieces of paper and draw a picture on each page (2-7).
  • The pictures should be of objects seen in the springtime and each should be of an object of a different color.
  • Example:  Red tulips, Blue birds, Yellow daffodils, Green grass or leaves, Orange butterflies, and Purple pansies.
  • Print the words, “COLORS I SEE IN SPRING” on the cover.
  • Encourage your children to “read” the books, by expressing out loud what they are seeing.
  • Example:  “I see red tulips in spring.”


  • Using small index cards, place a different “B” word sticker on 12 cards.
  • Examples of cards; bunny, basket, butterfly, bonnet, baby, bird, baseball had, ball, etc.
  • Start a story and let your children take turns turning over a card and incorporating that object into your story.
  • Fill in the gaps of the story and keep it going until everyone has had a turn to contribute.


  • RECALL -  While reading spring stories to your children, stop every once in a while to have your children recall what has happened up to this point.
  • PREDICTING – Then have your children try to predict what will happen next in the story.
  • CHANGE ENDING -  Read the story to the end.  Ask your children if they liked the end.  Then ask them if they could think of any other ways the story could have ended.


  • Up/Down – Kites or Bunnies hopping
  • Big/Little – flowers, pigs, bunnies
  • Plain/Colored – eggs
  • Fast/Slow – The tortoise and the Hare
  • Over/Under – Peter Rabbit in Mr. McGregor’s garden


  • Make a book, by stapling seven pieces of paper together.
  • On pages 2-7 glue magazine cutouts of different scenes; such as, houses or yards, city streets, fields, mountains, etc.
  • Place a red circle sticker on each page and draw a string coming down from it to represent a red balloon.
  • Draw a picture of a red balloon on the cover sheet and write the words, “BALLOONS WILD RIDE”.
  • Read the books to your children and tell them how the wind blew your red balloon all over the place and then finally blew it back to you.
  • When you are done reading the book, place it out so your children can read it on their own.